At Murray UU Church, we feel it’s important to live our values on Sundays and every day in between, Working together can help us achieve our goals. This Stewardship Sunday, the Finance Committee invites us to rise up for our values in supporting the mission and vision we share.

Who We Are
Murray Church is a beloved community of all ages, races, sexual orientations, gender identities, and religious beliefs. We are a welcoming community of love and inclusion. At Murray Church, we ask the big questions of life. Together, we live into the answers to those big questions. You are encouraged to deepen your own experience, understanding, and relationship with ultimate mystery, awe, and wonder. People of all beliefs worship together here — from traditional theists to Christians to agnostics, humanists, pagans, and atheists. There is a place for you, here at Murray Church

A Place for Children
Murray Church is a place for families – yours! We offer a complete range of children’s Sunday School programs to teach religious and ethical values to young people of all ages. Using art projects, storytelling, and other stimulating activities, children learn about a variety of religions from around the world, including Unitarian Universalism. Our Religious Exploration program also teaches essential lessons about self-respect, and about treating others with loving-kindness and respect. Lessons teach about responsibility and honesty, as well as how to be good stewards of our precious planet Earth. The Youth Group tackles issues of importance to our teens. Teens also participate in several community service projects during the year.
Get Involved
It’s easy to get involved at Murray Church! We gather for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time. Sunday school happens at the same time as worship. There are a number of adult enrichment activities available, depending on your interests. Volunteering is a great way to get involved and make new friends! Volunteers at Murray sing in the choir or serve in the Food Pantry, the Thrift Shop, teach Sunday School, bake cookies and staff the huge Holiday Fair, help out with other fundraisers, and keep our building and grounds in good shape. Still, others get involved in anti-racism Black Lives Matter activities, help address climate change or food insecurity in our community.
Sunday Worship
Sunday morning worship is both in-person and online over Zoom to meet the various needs of the congregation. Service is available online using Zoom. If you feel sick for any reason – please stay home out of respect for others.
Food Pantry, Thrift Shop
Our Food Pantry is open to serve the public on Monday and Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. It is closed on July 4, Thanksgiving, December 25, and snow days announced by the Attleboro School District.
Our Thrift Shop is open to the public on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.