art, overlapping voice balloons

No Speak-Easy for April 9, Easter Sunday

Calm, clear, and collected discussions on current “hot” topics, as well as other issues from a Unitarian Universalist perspective.  We meet on the second and fourth Sundays of the month BEFORE regular Sunday services, from 8:45 am to 9:45 am in Harmony Hall.

The next meeting will be on April 23, 2023. The topic is Richard Haass’s book (2023) “The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens,” which describes ten obligations that should go along with our ten Bill of Rights.  These are:

  1. Be Informed
  2. Get Involved
  3. Stay Open to Compromise
  4. Remain Civil
  5. Reject Violence
  6. Value Norms
  7. Promote the Common Good
  8. Respect Government Service
  9. Support the Teaching of Civics
  10. Put Country First

What do you think?

So bring a cup of coffee/tea and come speak your mind and share your views in a safe, non-threatening atmosphere.