The Religious Services Committee produces the summer services. Services begin at 10 am on Zoom except for July 28 and...

The Religious Services Committee produces the summer services. Services begin at 10 am on Zoom except for July 28 and...
Attleboro Rotary support expands refrigeration capacity The Murray Unitarian Universalist Church Food Pantry, long...
Veterans for Peace has embarked on PeaceWalk 2024 on May 7 in Maine. It will stop at Murray Unitarian Universalist...
Sunday, May 19, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Souza’s Family Farm 33 Agricultural Ave., Rehoboth, MA Vegetables, plants, and...
Saturday, May 11, 10 am to 4 pm Crafters, Vendors, Yard Sale, Food, Music and More!Our thrift store will be open as...
What would this community look like without Murray? Why Should You Pledge? Murray Church is an independent,...
Saturday, April 6 from 10 to 4 Energize your mind, body, and spirit with the Murray Holistic Fair Admission is $5....
Murray Church presents the concert “Deeper Than The Skin” a musical presentation on race in America “Deeper Than the...
The Life & Genius of Walt Disney Feb. 9 at 6:30 pm in the Unity Room Presented by Tom and Sandy Stuart Walt...
Sharing Earth-friendly Products and Practices To Reduce Your Trash These are recommendations from the Climate Action...
DoubleACS, Attleboro Access Cable System, featured Murray Unitarian Universalist Food Pantry on their Daily News...