Harmonies of the Heart: Music as a Compass Led by the Music Committee This Sunday, we invite you to join us as we...

Harmonies of the Heart: Music as a Compass Led by the Music Committee This Sunday, we invite you to join us as we...
Where the Women Are Strong: The Legacy of Rev. Olympia Brown This Sunday, we gather to celebrate the legacy of a true...
Living the Questions: Embracing the Unknown with Love Life is a journey, isn't it? A quest for understanding, a...
Unwise Silence: When Speaking Truth is Necessary Led by Rev. F. Vernon Wright V I spend a lot of time honoring silence...
Standing on the Side of Love: Protecting Reproductive Rights This Sunday, our service will focus on the urgent issue...
Love's Power: Mindfulness and Justice This Sunday, because of the snowstorm, join us remotely on Zoom, as we explore...
Freedom Music Led by Rev. F. Vernon Wright V Come join us as we explore the role African American Spirituals had in...
Claiming Our Space ...
MLK Sunday Led by Rev. F. Vernon Wright V Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's fierce compassion, poetic rhetoric, and...
How to Grow: Without Vulnerability, Fragility Led by Rev. F. Vernon Wright V Join us as we explore the issue of...
On Being a Maker Led by the Religious Services Committee The Religious Services Committee will explore the idea of...