A message from the Murray Sabbatical Team

Paid sabbatical leave is a long-standing tradition in our faith, providing clergy extended time for study, reflection, rest, and renewal – all essential parts of an effective, healthy ministry. Sabbatical leave is also part of the congregation’s covenant and contract with Rev. Gretchen. As part of that covenant, Rev. Gretchen accrues one month of sabbatical leave for each year of service, which means she has accrued a total of seven months of sabbatical leave.

Rev. Gretchen has scheduled a partial three-month sabbatical leave this church year, from January 1 through March 31, 2022.  During that time, she will take a complete leave of her ministerial duties here at Murray Church, in line with standard UU sabbatical protocol, in order to enrich, nourish and replenish her spirit. We will look forward to welcoming her back in the pulpit on Sunday, April 3rd, refreshed, filled with new ideas, and a rekindled spirit!

Meet the Sabbatical Minister Team

While Rev. Gretchen is away, we are pleased to have two of her area colleagues fill in here at Murray:

Rev. Paul Sprecher

Rev. Paul Sprecher, recently retired from the Bridgewater church, will lead Sunday morning worship from January through March. The Religious Services Committee will continue to lead one service a month, per usual, and the all-music worship service is planned for March. In addition, Rev. Paul will make himself available to Murray leadership on an as-needed basis.

Rev. Jennifer Johnson

Rev. Jennifer Johnson is the new minister at Bridgewater, and she will be helping to lead pastoral care. She will work closely with the Caring Circle, meeting with them once a month, as well as helping with hospital and in-home visits, as needed. She will also be available to help lead a memorial service (but hopefully we won’t need that!). Our Minister Emerita, Rev. Sandra Fitz-Henry, has also agreed to be an on-call backup for Rev. Jennifer, should the need for a memorial service arise.

We look forward to working with Rev. Paul and Rev. Jennifer during the next three months.

Church Business As Usual

Murray Church is an extremely stable and healthy congregation. Ministers have taken sabbaticals here in the past and the church has continued to thrive in the settled minister’s absence. Day-to-day church activities will continue as usual. The church office will continue to be open at its normal hours. Your Board will continue to do its usual wonderful leadership work. The Reopening/Covid Safety Task Force will continue to keep an eye on Covid cases in our area and lead us in safety decisions. We are blessed to have a wonderful, talented staff who will coordinate closely with the sabbatical ministers to support worship and pastoral care.  If you have any concerns while Rev. Gretchen is away, please reach out to your Sabbatical Committee.

Please join us, along with the Murray Board, in wishing Rev. Gretchen a successful spiritual time out!

  •        David Calusdian
  •        Donna Cooke
  •        Allison MacDonald
  •        Stephanie Paquette

Who do I call for…..

Pastoral Care or Counseling

In the event of illness, surgery, the death of a family member, or a personal crisis, you may call Jeanne in the church office, or Claudia Binns from the Caring Circle, or reach out to Rev. Jennifer directly.  Their contact information was shared in a church members’ email.

A Memorial Service

Please contact Jeanne in the church office and she can get Rev. Jennifer involved to help care for the family and to assist the family in planning service if needed.

A Wedding or Baby Dedication

Congregants are welcome to wait until Rev. Gretchen returns in April, or they are welcome to coordinate with Rev. Paul or Rev. Jennifer to help plan and officiate your event.

Financial Assistance from the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

Only Rev. Gretchen is authorized to issue financial assistance from the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. If you are in need of financial support, please reach out to her when she returns in April.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sabbatical and why is Rev. Gretchen taking one?

A sabbatical is paid time off dedicated to study, reflection, growth, and renewal.  It is not an extended vacation.  In our faith tradition, clergy accrue one month of sabbatical leave for every year worked. Sabbatical leave is part of our covenant with Rev. Gretchen, a part of our contract with her.

How long will Rev. Gretchen be on sabbatical?

Rev. Gretchen has accrued seven months of sabbatical leave at this time. She will take a partial sabbatical this church year, beginning on January 1st and running through March 31st, 2022.

What will Rev. Gretchen be doing during her sabbatical?

Rev. Gretchen has her book pile all ready for reading and reflection. She will use Katherine May’s book, “Wintering” to guide her. The book “Wintering” reminds us that the season of winter is an invitation from nature to rest, to turn inward and renew one’s spirit in preparation for the blooming season to come. She had a trip to the Holy Land planned for February, but it was just canceled due to Covid concerns, as Israel has closed its borders to international visitors. Rev. Gretchen will research some alternative retreats, workshops, and perhaps do some personal local travel to provide the environments and enrichment she needs for her spiritual work ahead.

May I email, text, or call her when she’s on sabbatical?

For her sabbatical to be successful, Rev. Gretchen is asked to separate from her usual ministerial duties with us. We are asked not to have contact with her, even if she may be close by. We encourage everyone to honor these healthy boundaries. Murray will have two wonderful sabbatical ministers here to assist us while Rev. Gretchen is away. If you have an emergency, please refer to the “Who Do I Call?” and “Key Contacts” information box-ins above.  Also, your Sabbatical Team is here to help address your needs and concerns.

But what if I see Rev. Gretchen at the grocery store?

By all means, go up and say “hi!” Consider giving her a hug, if you both feel it is safe to do so with Covid around. We just ask you to refrain from getting into lengthy conversations about how things are going at Murray Church.

If someone is new to the church and wants information, or wants to join the church, whom should they talk with?

Our Membership and Welcoming team, headed by Marguerite MacLean, will continue to greet newcomers and provide information about the church. If someone is interested in membership, we will encourage them to speak to Rev. Gretchen when she returns in April.

How can we support Rev. Gretchen in her sabbatical?

Remember, your greatest gift to Rev. Gretchen in support of her sabbatical time away is to continue your active involvement and support of worship, our children’s ministry, and the many other vital programs here at Murray Church. Coming home to an active, healthy, thriving congregation is the greatest gift any sabbatical minister can hope to receive!