Black Lives Matter
Join the Conversation – more opportunities to learn more about the experience of people of color and to do better in conversations about color and race.
We will continue our journey of listening & learning, of asking & understanding. Please check our Church News page. More conversation opportunities will be posted in the Murray Notes Newsletter.
We will grow together. We join together to move ourselves, our community and our world to better realize our UU Principles and to create greater opportunity for all of u.
Hanging the Black Lives Matter Banner
November 18, 2018

We hung our Black Lives Matter banner on Sunday, November 18, 2018, as a statement of our religious values, and to encourage all in the community to “Join the Conversation.”

Several elected officials joined us as we unveiled our Black Lives Matter banner. From left: Rev. Gretchen, State Representative Jim Hawkins, State Senator-Elect Becca Rausch, Social Concerns Chair Bruce Field, and State Senator Paul Feeney.