Sunday Services

We will gather for in-person worship at 10 a.m. in our sanctuary, except for Summer Services. Most services are hybrid. Log in from the comfort and safety of your home to be a part of our worship experience, please log in for the live-streaming worship service. Services end at 11 followed by coffee and fellowship.

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About Worship

Join us Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. worship.

Our religious services are held in the Sanctuary and online on Sundays at 10 a.m. from September through June with lay-led services offered during the summer months.

Services end at 11 followed by coffee and fellowship.


Music adds a rich dimension to our worship. Our Director of Music, Dennis Ferguson, provides a music program that stimulates and challenges the congregation.

Lifespan Religious Education

In focusing on Lifespan Religious Education, Murray Unitarian Universalist Church affirms its desire to offer opportunities for everyone in the congregation to grow and develop. Each person is called to seek out their own path.