List of church committees and groups

Murray Unitarian Universalist Church has committees and groups that help keep the church running and provide support. Below is a listing of the committees and groups with a brief description of what they do and when they meet.

Use the plus icon to the right of the committee name to learn more about each committee.

Board of Deacons and Deaconsessses

Board of Deacons and Deaconesses

Responsibilities – The Board of Deacons and Deaconesses is responsible for:

  • Assisting the Minister in advancing the spiritual interests of the church.
  • Creating a worshipful environment for services in cooperation with the minister.
  • In the absence of the minister, the Board of Deacons and Deaconesses in collaboration with the Religious Services Committee shall be responsible for the continuation of worship within the church and providing for the congregation’s spiritual interests.
  • Establishment of a ministerial search committee in collaboration with the Executive Board when appropriate.
  • Approve and administer requests for Scholarship Funds.
  • Approve and administer requests for Memorial Gifts funds.
  • Provide support for religious services and other services, by arranging for ushers, greeters, sound system use, recording of the service, sanctuary upkeep, and Flower Committee (providing for altar flowers including those listed in the Trust Funds).

Selection/Composition – The Board of Deacons and Deaconesses are nominated and elected at the Annual Meeting.

Caring Circle

Caring Circle

Purpose: The Caring Circle is a group of church members who meet regularly with the minister to assist him or her in helping and supporting people in our congregation, both members and friends, during challenging times and situations.

Responsibilities: The Caring Circle assists the minister by being attuned to needs that exist in the congregation. With permission these needs are brought to the group and helpful responses are determined. The Caring Circle relies on the help of the Helping Hands Network, members who may not be able to attend  our meetings but would like to help in other ways.

Examples of ways the Caring Circle has helped in the past aided by the Helping Hands Network include:

  • Changing a light bulb.
  • Shopping for or taking people shopping
  • Providing rides to medical appointments,
  • Delivering meals to people who are recovering from recent surgery,
  • Identifying community resources when a need is beyond our capacity to help.

If the Caring Circle and/or Helping Hands Network interest you, please contact a member of the Caring Circle listed below:

Term: This is not an elected group, so there is no term for members.

Time Commitment: Attend meetings as personal schedules allow. Meetings are held once a month, currently on a Wednesday morning.

Members are asked to help to the degree they are able without being over-committed.


Clara Barton Guild

Clara Barton Guild

History: In 1947, a group of young married women formed a club appropriately named the “Junior Mrs.” Their purpose was fellowship and service to Sturdy Memorial Hospital, the Red Cross, the diabetic home for girls, and Murray Universalist Church.

Early meetings were held at Murray Universalist Church on South Main Street. Around 1948, the group began to meet in members’ homes. In March of 1949, the women decided to change the name of the club to the “Clara Barton Guild” to reflect their interest in the Clara Barton Birthplace Camp for Diabetic Girls. At that time there was an active membership of twenty, and projects included making items for the camp gift shop.

The Clara Barton Guild continues to meet, and, at this time, it is the only women’s group at Murray Church. Presently, luncheon meetings are held the first Monday in October, December, April, and June at 11:45 AM in the John Murray Room.

Membership is open to all interested women. We welcome you to join us!

Climate Action Team

Climate Action Team

Purpose: The Climate Action Team is an outgrowth of our successful pursuit for Green Sanctuary certification with UUA, our national denomination. Our purpose is to promote actions to help limit climate change and to promote climate justice. We also want to keep our Green Sanctuary green by promoting actions to reduce the carbon footprint of our building. We do this as an expression of our UU values.

Our most recent activities have included:

  • Massachusetts Climate Solutions, a Virtual Legislative Climate Justice Forum
  • Murray Church Climate Change Café
  • Field trip to Revive the Roots Farm to learn about regenerative agriculture
  • Multigenerational Earth Day worship service
  • Speaker on Green Heating and Cooling for our Homes

Skills: No skills are required. Interest in these topics can promote building new skills.

  • There is opportunity to use creative skills for newsletter, website, bulletin board features to educate our community on actions they can take
  • There is opportunity to monitor our building energy use as we pursue new technology to reduce our fossil fuel use
  • Interest in public speaking can be applied to an occasional worship service or event
  • Interest in legislative advocacy is a real plus for this work, as legislative action is critical to promote climate-friendly local and state police

Chair: The Chair is selected by and from the committee

Term: This is not an elected committee, so there is no term for committee members.

Members: MCAT has 4 members, and is looking for more volunteers with an interest in climate action and climate justice. We work as a team to generate and implement activities and we collaborate with other Murray committees to meet mutual goals.

Meeting schedule: Meets 7:00 to 8:30 via zoom on 2nd Thursday of each month

Food Pantry

Food Pantry

History: The Murray Church Food Pantry has been supplying food to families in need for 34 years. At the outset, the pantry gave bags of canned and packaged food items to just a small number of clients.

Current: We have a great group of volunteers and now serve an average of 50 families per week, with more signing up all the time. We occupy three rooms, distributing and storing a larger variety of foods than in the past, including fresh produce, as well as pet food and hygiene items. We invite our families to shop on Monday and Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 and on the last Tuesday of the month from 4:30 to 6 pm. Our team maintains a friendly, supportive environment. We see many of the same families weekly and enjoy getting to know them.

Most of our food comes from the Greater Boston Food Bank. Each month, 2000 pounds of food are delivered to the church on the second Wednesday, and a second order of 2200 pounds is picked up in Fall River, brought back to the church, and unloaded on the fourth Wednesday. The availability of special items that are not provided by the Greater Boston Food Bank depends on donations from Murray Church members, local organizations (such as schools and social clubs), and supermarkets. Cash donations are also greatly appreciated.

Working with the food pantry team is a rewarding endeavor. Our volunteers meet on Zoom once or twice a month to discuss and resolve problems that arise or changes that need our consideration.


We’re looking for volunteers to help out with the following jobs

  • Register families at the reception desk.
  • Put out vegetables and fruit for the day.
  • Help families select items.
  • Restock distribution room.
  • Help with pickup and stocking on delivery days.
  • Pick up donated pet food at the Attleboro Animal Shelter.
  • Check expiration dates on donated items.
  • Bag pet food, diapers, and hygiene items.
  • Contact and coordinate with local organizations to solicit and expedite donations, such as:
    • The Larson Senior Center
    • Stop and Shop
    • Attleboro Farmers Market

(If you are already in contact with or a member of an organization, you’re the perfect contact!)

Fundraising Committee

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee is a group of Murray folks who work together to brainstorm and execute fundraising activities throughout the year to help MUUC meet its budget needs. These events are critical to the financial well-being of our church community, and we are always looking for people to join us in any level of commitment they have available! Whether you just want to come to some of the meetings to help brainstorm, work as a volunteer at events, or help run an event from start to finish.

Holiday Fair

Holiday Fair

The Holiday Fair is the largest fundraiser in our church. It is an opportunity to share our creative talents and skills and support our church at the same time.

  • People can help by:
  • Making things to sell with the craft group
    • Organizing, cleaning and pricing:
    • Books
    • Almost Antiques
    • Yard sale items
    • Toys
  • Baking cookies or supplying a home-cooked meal
  • Donating new or gently used items to the Raffle or the Thrift Shop.

We also welcome new ideas and talents to keep our Holiday Fair fresh and one of the most popular Fairs in the area. And we have fun!

Membership and Welcoming Committee

Membership and Welcoming Committee

Purpose: To welcome new and prospective members to Murray Church and to help them become acquainted with and involved in the activities of the church.

Responsibilities: The Membership and Welcoming Committee is responsible for:

  • Attraction of new members, including sponsoring programs to acquaint new members and non-members with Murray Church and Unitarian Universalism and presenting the idea of membership to prospects.
  • Recognition and introduction of new members, including welcoming new members to the congregation and introducing them to the Minister; holding special events, such as a welcoming party, for new members; introducing new members to active members with similar interests; and cooperating with the Minister in periodic recognition of new members.
  • Sunday morning coffee, including providing coffee/tea and volunteers to set up and serve each week.
  • Placing a “Welcome” Greeter in the front lobby before and after the church service to welcome and guide visitors.
  • Staffing the Newcomer Nook Table at coffee hour.
  • Supporting the Minister and helping staff New Member orientation classes for prospective new Members.
  • Organizing occasional social events for the congregation.

Joining this Committee is a wonderful opportunity to make a real difference. The work that we do together to build a world in which all of us are free and thriving. Murray Church is a place where together we take action, Side with Love, and maybe make deep impacts in the lives of other people. Being welcoming and inclusive is a never-ending commitment, to increase your welcome to people of all identities

Term: This is not an elected committee, so there is no term for committee members

Memorial Garden

Memorial Garden

Purpose: The Murray Church Memorial Garden was established in 1989 to provide a place of peace and beauty for the cremated remains of Murray Church members, relatives of members, and “Friends” of Murray Church to be interred as part of a planned garden design that honors the life that has passed and its continuity with the ongoing spiritual life of the church.

Responsibilities: The Memorial Garden Committee and volunteers include maintaining plants and shrubs, keeping the surrounding grounds looking well cared for, and making sure walkways are accessible to all. Roughly, from May through September, depending upon the growing season, the committee and volunteers have a once or twice-a-month work session to maintain the garden which may include pruning, weeding and planting. Work sessions are generally 1 1/2 to 2 hours long.

Sustainable gardening practices and organic products are used whenever possible. The committee has two (more if needed) business meetings per year.

Members: Current committee members are Andrea Dion-Purdy and Carla Rissmeyer (Co-chairs) and Adam Zysk (Treasurer).

We welcome more committee members and drop-in volunteers during gardening sessions. If you love gardening and gardens, please consider joining us in any capacity and whatever time commitment feels right for you.

Term: This is not an elected committee, so there is no term for committee members.

Murray LGBTQ+ Pride Group

Murray LGBTQ+ Pride Group

The Murray Diversity/Pride Group welcomes those who personally identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community. The group meets on the second Sunday of the month in the John Murray Room and will begin 20 minutes after the service ends.

Meeting Schedule: Second Sunday of the month, 20 minutes after the service ends.

Meeting Location: John Murray Room

Music Committee

Music Committee

Purpose: To serve as an advisor on all musical activities of the church and originate musical programs to enrich church life. Great opportunity to be involved for members who love music.

Responsibilities: The Music Committee is responsible for:

  • Development of music for Sunday worship programs in conjunction with the Religious Services Committee, including –
    • Assisting the Music Director in arranging music for the Sunday service
    • Advising the Music Director on matters relating to the church’s music
    • Serving as a channel of communication between the congregation and the performing musicians.
  • Development of special music programs, including –
    • Encouraging the development of musical appreciation in the church through special Sunday services and concerts
    • Planning, publicizing, and coordinating musical performances by local and guest musicians
    • Arranging such musical activities as the Executive Board requests.
  • Maintenance of musical instruments, including selection of organ and piano technicians and scheduling for the tuning, repair, improvement, and moving of musical instruments.
  • Development of long-term plans for the music program, including –
    • Evaluating current musical facilities, hymnals, and materials
    • Researching the costs of replacement or additional facilities, books, or materials
    • Recommending improvements to the music programs of the church.
  • Recommend qualified candidates for the Music Director position and work with the minister to evaluate the performance of the Music Director.
  • Publicity for church music events, including publicizing events within the congregation and publicizing events in the community.
  • Monitor committee budget by reviewing monthly Operating Budget and Trustee Reports and prepare yearly budget.
  • Approve requests from Music and Organ Education Funds
  • Preparation of budget estimates and reports for the Annual Report and as requested by the Executive Board.

Selection/Composition: New Volunteers are welcome Minister (ex officio), Director of Music, and volunteers.

Property Committee

Property Committee

Purpose: To provide for maintenance of all church properties, including the church building, outside structures, grounds, and any other properties owned by the church.

The Property Committee is responsible for:

  • Daily care and operation of the church establishment, including routine repairs and maintenance of church properties, such as:
    • Buildings
    • Furniture
    • Equipment
    • Grounds
  • Policies regarding use of church buildings and property, including the formulation of policies for use of the church by renters and outside groups.
  • Maintain records of facilities equipment.
  • Development of property budget, including the development of short-term and long-term budget estimates for the annual report and as required by the Executive Board.

The Property Committee keeps our church interior and exterior beautiful all year round. The Memorial Garden, the Courtyard Garden, the plantings at the front door, the back yard, and side parking lots, are all maintained by people of this church. This is our church, and it is so important that people help though membership in our Property Committee.

Selection/Composition: The Property Committee is composed of the Chair of Property, the Minister (ex-officio), the President (ex-officio), and others. Membership is not restricted and is open to anyone with an interest in maintaining and improving the grounds and building. Members of the Property Committee will commit to attend Property Committee meetings.

The Property Committee may also include volunteers who work on specific projects.

Religious Exploration Committee

Religious Exploration Committee

Purpose: The Religious Exploration Committee seeks to provide a safe, nurturing, and fun environment for the Murray Church community to explore and celebrate Unitarian Universalist principles and values. We serve the entire church community by providing opportunities and programs that support spiritual growth, affirm a diversity of belief systems, and promote learning.

The Religious Education Committee is responsible for:

  • Working with the minister to conduct an annual review and evaluation of the DLRE and the Religious Education program.
  • Committee members and other volunteers assist with:
    • Teaching on Sunday mornings
      • Leading Youth Group classes or field trips
      • Planning family-friendly events for the church community
      • Nursery care, childcare, and/or playgroups
      • Pageantry or dramatic productions
    • To oversee the structure and curriculum of the RE program including:
    • Formation of a program to meet the needs of the children of the congregation.
    • Formation of a program to meet the needs of the Youth Group.

Selection/Composition –The Religious Exploration Committee includes 7-10 members who work with the Director of Religious Exploration to provide guidance and support for programs for both children and youth in accordance with the UUA philosophy.

Committee members are nominated and elected at the Annual Meeting. However other volunteers are gratefully welcome, whether they are additional members of the committee or have signed up to assist on individual events. This is a wonderful opportunity to directly assist in the spiritual growth of our children and youth.

RE Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each Month 7-8:30 pm

Religious Services Committee

Religious Services Committee

Chair: The Chair is selected by and from the committee.

Term: Maximum of two consecutive two-year terms

Members: RSC has seven members but always has room for more.   Members volunteer to serve on the committee.

Meeting schedule: Meets from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. on Zoom on the 2nd Tuesday of the month during the regular church year.

Purpose: To provide worship services when requested by the Minister, when they are out of the pulpit, or during for summer services. This is a unique opportunity for committee members to create and present all aspects of the service except for music with a supportive team of other volunteers. See details below

Responsibilities – The Religious Services Committee

  • Assists the Minister with worship services when requested.
  • Organizes, schedules, and presents services with a spiritual component when the Minister is out of the pulpit, approximately one service a month during the regular September – June church year.
  • Develops themes for worship in consultation with the Minister.
  • Coordinates summer services, including recruiting presenters.
  • Writes or selects readings and homilies.

Individual committee members volunteer to: 

  • Act as liaisons to guest presenters
  • Assist with selecting quotes, chalice lighting, readings, writing homilies, and adding content to the Order of Service.
  • Coordinate with the Office Administrator, to complete the Order of Service
  • Coordinate with the Music Director to select relevant music.
  • Coordinate with musicians to provide music for summer services

Skills: No experience is required but writing, public speaking, organization, and creativity are all useful skills for committee members.

Social Concerns

Social Concerns

Purpose: To work closely with the Chair of Social Concerns in carrying out an agenda of activities for and with the congregation related to social concerns.

Responsibilities: The Social Concerns Committee is responsible for:

  • Researching and evaluating current social concerns within the local community, region, state, national, and international areas.
  • Deciding which social concerns are practical for Murray Church to address, what actions we want to take and determining what resources are needed to take those actions.
  • Selecting and vetting non-profit organizations for a Dedicated Offering
  • Organizing, managing, and participating on those social concerns projects that have been selected by the committee and the Chair of Social Concerns.
  • Informing the congregation on a regular basis of the committee’s activities using the newsletter, website, and e-mail distribution methods.

The work of this committee is critical to enable us to focus our congregational energy on the critical needs of our society.

Selection/Composition: The Social Concerns Committee consists of volunteers from the Murray community. Members welcome!

The Chair is selected by and from the Committee.

Soul Matters (Listening Hearts)

Soul Matters (Listening Hearts)

Listening Hearts is a small book study group that meets once a month. We delve a little more deeply into topics that we, as humans, don’t always have answers to but often contemplate. It is an opportunity to get to know other church members and to share ourselves a little more intimately. Our conversations are nonjudgmental and respectful.

Please, come and join us!

Tech Team

The Tech Team

  • Maintains and updates Murray Church’s technology infrastructure
  • Updates and monitors the Murray Church Facebook Page
  • Maintains and updates the Murray Church website
  • Performs the “Broadcast Operator” function to provide the ZOOM feed for Sunday services

While the Tech Team would like to add members with tech savvy skills who can help us identify needed hardware and software improvements to our technology infrastructure and procure and install the required items, we are also in need of members who, while they may feel they have less tech knowledge, would enjoy helping maintain our equipment and using this equipment to support the Tech Team function.

Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop has a 3-fold purpose:

  1. To reduce, reuse, and recycle to keep items out of landfills.
  2. To support the local community with quality gently used goods and greatly reduced prices.
  3. To financially support the church.

The Thrift Shop is open one day a week on Saturday for sales, with 2 shifts from 9:45 am-1:00 pm and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm. Sorting hours are on Wednesdays from 10:30 am-12:30 pm. We are always busy helping customers find just the right thing or sorting through the large amounts of donations that come in. And it’s fun!

Do you have 3 hours a month you can donate to the church to help in the Thrift Shop and have fun too?

Women's Journaling Group

The Women’s Journaling Group

Chair: The group does not have a formal chairperson. Pavlina Gatikova, a local poet and teacher, started the group and organizes it.

Term: n/a

Members: Any women or people who identify as women

Meeting schedule: Meets from 10 a.m. – noon on the fourth Saturday of the month during the regular September – June church year. The group may expand to meet in the summer months if there is demand.

Purpose: To enable women and those who identify as women to have a nurturing, secure environment to express themselves by writing personal essays, poetry, and other formats.

Skills: No experience is required.

The group originally started at the Attleboro Public Library before COVID-19, switched to meeting on Zoom, and now meets at Murray. The group is comprised of members from Murray UU Church and from the Greater Attleboro community.

Each month, Pavlina shares several poems and other writing prompts. The group writes for a set period of time, then members read their work aloud when they are willing to do so.