RE Update June 18, 2023 Religious Exploration for children and teens will resume in September. We wish everyone a...
Religious Education
RE Update for June 4
RE Work Party on Sunday We could use a few more volunteers for the work party in the new RE outdoor space this Sunday...
RE Update May 28
Volunteers Needed: Save the date for an outdoor work party in the new RE outdoor space on June 4th from 11:30 am -1:00...
Religious Exploration Updates
RE Calendar May and June 2023 Sunday, May 21– Youth Sunday, multi-generational service for all ages Sunday, May 21–...
Religious Exploration Update
May and June Calendar: Sunday, May 14 - Religious Exploration for Children and Coming of Age for Teens during service....
Religious Exploration Update
RE Updates Reminder for 2023 Camperships Through a generous trust, the Religious Exploration committee is able to...
RE Updates
Announcing 2023 Camperships Through a generous trust, the Religious Exploration committee is able to provide financial...
RE April updates
April RE Calendar April 2 – Religious Exploration for Children. NO Youth Group or Coming of Age. April 9 – Religious...
RE Calendar through April
Please mark your calendar for Clean-up Sunday, April 30 We will begin work on the new RE outdoor space. We’ll have...
RE Updates for Week of March 19, 2023
New RE Outdoor Space Spring is around the corner and the Religious Exploration (RE) committee is looking for feedback...
RE Updates
New RE Outdoor Space Spring is around the corner, and the Religious Exploration (RE) committee is looking for feedback...