Explore the art of crayon melting Date change: Thursday, June 27 at 7 pm Join us at Murray Church Art Night for a fun...

Explore the art of crayon melting Date change: Thursday, June 27 at 7 pm Join us at Murray Church Art Night for a fun...
Religious Exploration Sunday morning programming for children of all ages (nursery through highschool) will begin on...
Speak-Easy Discussion Group The Speak-Easy Discussion Group will resume meeting for the 2023-2024 church year on...
Religious Exploration Sunday morning programming for children of all ages (nursery through high school) will begin on...
As our children and youth program breaks until Fall, I'm wishing you all a fun and safe summer. Last Sunday during the...
RE Update June 18, 2023 Religious Exploration for children and teens will resume in September. We wish everyone a...
RE Work Party on Sunday We could use a few more volunteers for the work party in the new RE outdoor space this Sunday...
Volunteers Needed: Save the date for an outdoor work party in the new RE outdoor space on June 4th from 11:30 am -1:00...
RE Calendar May and June 2023 Sunday, May 21– Youth Sunday, multi-generational service for all ages Sunday, May 21–...
May and June Calendar: Sunday, May 14 - Religious Exploration for Children and Coming of Age for Teens during service....
Reminder for 2023 Camperships Through a generous trust, the Religious Exploration committee is able to provide...