Guests At Our Table Led by Rev. F. Vern Wright V Join us Sunday as we hear thoughts from Lucia Santini-Field about her...
Sunday, May 5
Divine Divas Led by the Music Committee We’ll explore the evolution of the “Diva.” In the words of Aretha Franklin:...
Sunday, April 28
Article II and The Jazz Spirit of the UUA Led by Rev. F. Vern Wright V Jazz Sunday! I will be shedding light on the...
Sunday, April 21
Earth Day Led by Rev. F. Vern Wright V John Lock, one of the important thought leaders in the establishment of English...
Sunday, April 14
The People's Cathedral Led by Rev. F. Vern Wright V As we wrap up our stewardship campaign together, I shall be...
Sunday, March 10
Neutral Pulpit Sunday Led by the Religious Services Committee. This Sunday's sermon is titled The Answer Is? As we...
Sunday, March 3
Look to the Soul of the Whole Led by Rev. Vern Wright V Lately, I have been looking to the seminal and lyrical essay...
Sunday, February 25
Mindful Wayfarer Led by the Transition Team The theme suggests we are embarking on a journey. As Rick Millard noted...
Sunday, February 18
Faith for the Better Led by Rev. Vern Wright V Drawing upon the famous 20th-century Unitarian Theologian James Luther...
Sunday, February 11
This Thing Called Love Led by Rev. Vern Wright V Love is in the air; we are after all coming up on Valentine's...
Sunday, February 4
The Gate-Crashing Power of Zen Koans Led by Rev. Vern Wright V For the last couple of years, I have been studying Zen...